You welcomed me as an honored guest. My cup is full and spilling over. Â Psalm 23:5

"Jennifer is absolutely the best! She has an innate ability to see how a cluttered and messy should best be organized and is able to jump right into the job in a most efficient manner.
I found her website and, after interviewing a number of organizers, felt she was the person for my HUGE job getting my home cleaned up and staged for sale. She is open, honest, and a complete straight talker: I just had a feeling when I met her that she was the best for what I needed, based upon her philosophy and very pleasant personality. I was totally correct with my assessment and I don't think I could have had anyone better to help me get things organized.
Not only is she efficient, she is a fast worker. I do believe I would still be pondering my messes if I hadn't found her. She accomplished a true miracle in a very remarkable amount of time and I could not be more pleased. She is able to visualize what is needed just by studying a room and, in no time at all, is able to put things in the proper place and sorted in a way. that makes it easy find things. Although it was tough at times to eliminate a lot of "stuff", she made it pretty easy and painless and always left the final decision to me as to what should be kept and what should go. She is very attentive to the emotional attachment that I had with so much of my belongings, but she has a way of justifying elimination of excess and redundant belongings without being overbearing and she will not eliminate anything at all without the owner's agreement. I found that it became easier to move things out as I began to see what a huge difference there was with her professional touch on things.
Although she can be firm and has a wonderful way of helping see what needs to be done, she recognizes how difficult it can be to get rid of personal items and never once acted like her way was the answer. She is good at making a case for reorganization and elimination of excess but she will always finally follow the customer's wishes.
I cannot sing her praises enough. You will never go wrong with her services. I give her credit for a successful house sale and maximizing what I received for the house. I also plan to use her services when I move to my new home!!"

"Jennifer swooped in and IN ONE DAY, made it possible to park in the garage!"
"Jennifer has a genuinely kind and straight forward way about her, that makes it easy to let her take over and make your messy, disorganized house into a beautiful home that you can actually enjoy. For me, she completely overhauled my garage and basement. We had been in our new home for about 6 months and still hadn't gotten through all the boxes. I have 2 little kids, and my husband and I both are busy professionals, and unfortunately, our new home had become a huge source of frustration. We couldn't park in our double garage because of all the stuff that hadn't been sorted and put away. It's always a challenge when you move, because you don't initially know where everything should go. Since we had moved almost every year for the past decade, we still had boxes from our first move that had yet to be unboxed. We would put those boxes into storage and move them again during our next relocation. It was embarrassing. It was so overwhelming and I didn't know where to begin. On my time off, I wanted to do something fun with my family, like decorate the house, start a garden, or bake, which are all some of my favorite pastimes. Inevitable, every time I tried, I would not be able to complete the task at hand because I couldn't find my gardening tools, or the right baking pan, or the decor that I had been saving for years to place in this new house! It was all somewhere in the big mess in the garage or basement! I would end up buying duplicates of so many things because I couldn't find the original that I knew I had. I knew I needed to tackle it, and even though I felt like I had the organizing skills to complete it, since it was my own house and my own things, I just felt stuck and trapped. Jennifer swooped in and IN ONE DAY, made it possible to park in the garage. I remember cringing when I saw her start to open boxes that hadn't been opened since our first move almost 10 years ago. I didn't want her to get into all that! I just wanted to be able to find my things! I honestly had to leave at one point, because I couldn't handle the stress of it. When I returned to what had been a huge mound of stuff, Jennifer had created clear sense of order. By nightfall, I was feeling much more in control of the belongings in my home. She helped me find new places for our belongings and got rid of all the boxes. When she wrapped up for the day, I didn't realize how much our disorganization had been shutting me down. In the weeks that followed, I was able to accomplish so many tasks because I was able to find everything I needed, and becauseI didn't have the mental weight of all that stuff! Before her, every time I walked past the pile of boxes, it affected me negatively. Now, every morning when I get into my garaged car, I'm so grateful to her for helping me enjoy my home and my life!"

"It is your gift from God to take what people have and make it so they love what they live with and the space they have."
"You make beauty from chaos!"
(This client has dementia.)There were cabinets and drawers that hadn't been touched in years. We removed a truckload of items that were unnecessary, and made homes for all the things they actually used. We unboxed all her photographs and hung them in a similar way to a previous home. As we were finishing, she was smiling and laughing, showing each of us the pictures, and telling us about each one. Days later, we got another text from the clients saying she was still talking to everyone about the pictures.
"She doesn't know who did it, but she loves it!"
"This is the Nana I wanted back! Thank You!"

The state of our home was affecting my relationship with my husband and causing a lot of tension and stress in our home. Just trying to keep up with the kitchen and decide what to make for dinner was so overwhelming. If I did do a good job and got the house all cleaned up, it never lasted more than that first day. The very next day, it would be destroyed, and it would take me WEEKS to get it tidy again! I felt so defeated and trapped. What you were so amazing at, was helping me to focus on one goal that was achievable. I couldn't think about my entire list, but I could make sure there weren't dishes in the sink when I woke up. Having that fresh start every morning and not waking up already behind, changed my morning start immediately! Once that became an easy habit, I was able to add to it. Now, I have confidence in myself that I can figure out what to make. When we moved, you came in on move-in day and helped us get the kitchen and main living areas setup. That made it possible for us to cook dinner that night! I was able to make home cooked meals every day during a move!
Before, my husband felt like his house was going to be a mess forever, so why bother doing the little things. Now, he's making the bed with pillows and everything! Your tip about having a hamper in each room has saved so much time! Now, I just wash the one hamper load, and all of the items go in the same room. I'm not wasting time sorting. Now the kids have been able to take over laundry.

My work-from-home tour began in January 2020, due to surgery. About the time I was to return to the office, everyone was sent home. Then, in July 2021, I get a one-week notice that I’m to return to the office. Panick set in. We had recently downsized and there were still piles of things in every room waiting for a place to belong. My clothes were in stashed in two closets; I no longer fit in some of them and had no idea what was still in style. On my last day of WFH Jennifer arrived, dressed to the nines from her styled hair to her stilettos. She walked in and I explained that I needed to focus on my work but would be happy to answer occasional questions. She took about 15 minutes to walk around, assess and discuss my goals. Then she went to work. In around 8 hours, she found a place for everything; organized the bathroom cabinets; created a delightful guest space and office space in the second bedroom; created a “walk-in” closet from an unused pass-through; eliminated outdated, and ill-fitting clothes; organized my closet so I can easily pull together a complete outfit on a whim (without coffee). When my husband arrived, he was totally amazed and loved what she had done in his storage closet. He asked me how much I had paid her and upon finding out, made me send her more money! She way exceeded my expectations of what she could accomplish in one day. The next day it was so comforting to wake up in an organized home and get ready to return to the office. What she did gave me so much confidence as I re-entered the working at the office world again. I’m so appreciative of her help that I’ve asked her to return and do the same thing to my winter wardrobe soon.
About Jenn
Home should be our refuge from the chaotic world around us. Jennifer McDaniel is a Professional Organizer that understands the importance of a calm and tidy space. She understands that life can be a whirlwind of work, chores, and errands. As a professional organizer, her commitment is to help others find order and systems that help ease the very head-over-heels nature of life. Jennifer McDaniel, of JM Organizing Spaces, has lived through many of the challenges of modern life and can relate to what many of you deal with on a daily basis. As a mother of four, she has walked out of a tidy room to return to a disaster. She is coming from a place of empathy and applies her passion, expertise, and vision to help her clients find that calm.